

We are pleased to welcome you to the Unstoppable power project blog! In the coming months, we will follow the experiences of our unstoppable volunteers. Domenico and Kristijan will monitor the Zero waste activities of our students and teach us how together we can take better care of our environment. Matija will help create digital CVs of our students so that their talents stand out in the labor market. Valentina will show us the positive energy and abilities of students and sensitize us all to the richness of diversity! Get to know the unstoppable team of volunteers better in the posts that follow. :) The project is implemented within the program of the European Solidarity Force from 1.9.2020. to 31.8.2021. at the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj" Zagreb. Iznimno nam je drago zaželjeti vam dobrodošlicu na blog Unstoppable power projekta! U narednim mjesecima ovdje ćemo pratiti iskustva i doživljaje naših nezaustavljivih volontera. Domeniko i Kristijan pratit će Zero waste a...

Kreativna radionica - leptir :)

Nastavljamo s kreativnim radionicama! Ovoga puta volonterka Valentina pokazat će kako izraditi leptira. :) We continue with creative workshops! This time volunteer Valentina will show how to make a butterfly. :)

Pozdrav volonterke Matije

Dragi naši, Školska godina je završila i ispratili smo sve školarce, a posebno učenike koji su sudjelovali u snimanju video životopisa. Hvala im na sudjelovanju i nadamo se da će pomoću video životopisa biti primijećeni među ostalima.   Dear all,   The school year is over and we have seen off all the students, especially the students who participated in the video recording.   Thank you for your participation and we hope that with the help of the video resume they will be noticed among others.

Kreativna radionica s Valentinom - igra križić-kružić na zanimljiv način

Volonterka Valentina vraća se s još jednom zanimljivom radionicom za mališane - igra križić kružić, no na malo drugačiji način. :) Volunteer Valentina returns with another interesting workshop - a classic game with a twist! :)

Kreativna radionica s Valentinom - jež :)

Naša Valentina bila je marljiva i pripremila šaroliku paletu predmeta koje možete izraditi. Sljedeći na redu je - jež!  Our Valentina was diligent and prepared a colorful palette of items that you can make. Next up is a hedgehog!

Kreativna radionica s Valentinom - Gusjenica!

Ako poželite probuditi kreativca u sebi ove ljetne praznike, na pravom ste mjestu! Jedan u nizu videa koji nam je Valentina pripremila je - izrada gusjenice. :) If you want to awaken the creative in you this summer holidays, you are in the right place! One in a series of videos that Valentina prepared for us is - making a caterpillar. :)

Digitalni CV učenika Jašara!

Predstavljam vam digitalni životopis s malo drugačijim sadržajem od svih prethodnih! Naime, Jašar se školuje za autolimara te nam je pokazao kako izgleda jedan njegov dan na praksi. :) I present to you a digital CV with a slightly different content than all the previous ones! Jašar is studying to be a car mechanic and he showed us what one of his days in practice looks like. :) Volunteer Matija

Nikolinin digitalni CV!

Predstavljam vam još jedan u nizu digitalnih životopisa - onaj učenice Nikoline! I present you another in a series of digital CVs - Nikolina's CV! Volunteer Matija