Izrada ukrasa - Sovica od češera
Pozdrav svima!
Danas radimo sovice od češera!
Za sovice su vam potrebni: češeri, ljepilo, škare, kolaž papir.
Prvo izrežemo kolaž papir u razne oblike koji su nam potrebni. Nakon toga lijepimo sve to na češere!
Svi materijali su reciklirani, a neki su iz prirode.
Nadam se da ste prošli put napravili svoje snjegoviće i da će vam se sviđati i ova ideja!
Hello everyone!
Today we are making owls from cones! For owls you will need: cones, glue, scissors, collage paper.
First, we cut the collage paper into the various shapes we need. After that, we glue it all on the cones!
All materials are recycled and some of them are from nature.
I hope that you made your snowmen last time and that you will like this idea too!
Unstoppable team - volonterka Valentina
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