Naših prvih 14 dana volontiranja!

11.12.2020 Vijesti o našem volontiranju! 

Pozdrav dragi čitatelji!!

Još jednom se javljamo da vam ispričamo o nedavnim događajima u našem projektu “Unstoppable  Power”! Od početka pa sve do narednih dana radimo na kreiranju sadržaja, dijeljenju projekta na našim stranicama i upoznavanjem s učenicima, profesorima i cijelim timom Slava Raškaj. Sve bolje i bolje se upoznajemo s ciljem zero waste-a. Prisustvovali smo radionici koja se bavi važnošću očuvanja energije i zero waste principima u profesionalnoj kuhinji.

Pet riječi koje obilježavaju Zero Waste:

  • -REFUSE - ODBITI (npr. koristiti plastične vrećice)

  • -REDUCE - SMANJITI (otpad)

  • -REUSE - PONOVNO UPOTRIJEBITI (npr. staklene flaše)

  • -RECYCLE - RECIKLIRATI (npr. papir)

  • -ROT - KOMPOSTIRATI (biootpad)

Što smo naučili i kako nam je bilo na radionici možete vidjeti na slikama i u videu na kraju posta. :)

Radujemo se budućem pisanju vama, čitateljima i novom znanju! Hvala na vašoj pažnji.

Vaš Zero Waste team - Domeniko & Kristijan

11.12.2020 News about our volunteering! 

Greetings dear readers!!

Once again we are returning to write about recent events in our project “Unstoppable Power”! From the beginning all the way until now, we were working on creating content, sharing the information about the project on our social platforms and getting to know the students and the rest of the Slava Raškaj team. We are getting better and better acquainted with the goal of zero waste. We attended a workshop dealing with the importance of energy conservation and zero waste principles in a professional kitchen.

Five words that describe Zero Waste:

  • -REFUSE - refuse the plastic bags

  • -REDUCE - reduce the waste

  • -REUSE - reuse glass bottles

  • -RECYCLE - recycle paper

  • -ROT - rot the biowaste

You can see what we learned and how we spent time at the workshop in the pictures and in the video at the end of this post. :) We look forward to future writing to you, readers and gaining new knowledge! Thank you for your attention. Your Zero Waste team - Domeniko & Kristijan


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