Recept za muffine!
Ovaj utorak smo s djecom radili muffine. Djeca su se jako
Svi su dobili priliku sudjelovati u izradi kolača.
2 šalice brašna
3/4 šalice šećera
1 prašak za pecivo
1 vanili šećer
1 mala žličica soli
1 jaje
1 šalica mlijeka
1/3 šalice ulja
Priprema: Brašno,šećer,prašak za pecivo,vanili šećer i
sol staviti u veču posudu i dobro promješati sve te (suhe) sastojke.
Jaje,mlijeko i ulje staviti u manju posudu i dobro
promješati sve te (mokre) sastojke
pomješati zajedno suhe i mokre sastojke.
U lim za muffine staviti korpice od papira i u njih
kašikom stavljati nadjev do pola pa onda staviti malo oraha ili pekmeza ili
nutelle te prekriti sa još malo nadjeva da korpice budu skoro do kraja pune.
Peči na 200*C oko 15-20 min.
This Tuesday we made muffins with the kids. The children
were very happy.
Everyone was given the opportunity to participate in the making of the muffins.
2cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 baking powder
1 vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 egg
1 cup of milk
1/3 cup oil
Preparation: Put flour, sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar and salt in a large bowl and mix all these (dry) ingredients well.
Put the egg, milk and oil in a small bowl and mix all
these (wet) ingredients well
mix together dry and wet ingredients.
Put paper baskets in the muffin tin and put the filling
in half with a spoon, then put some walnuts or jam or nutella and cover with a
little more stuffing so that the baskets are almost completely full.
Bake at 200 * C for about 15-20 min.
Volonterka Valentina
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